Nasty Insults


Yo Momma's so greasy she used bacon as a band-aid!

Yo Momma's so greasy she sweats Crisco!

Yo Momma's so greasy Texaco buys Oil from her

Yo Momma's armpits stink so bad she made Speed Stick 
slow down!

Yo Momma's armpits stink so bad she made Right Guard 
turn to left!

Yo Momma's armpits stink so bad she used Secret and 
it told on her.

Yo Momma's so dirty she has to creep up on bathwater.

Your Momma's so dirty that she had to cut the strings
off her tampons because the crabs were going Bungee

Yo Momma's so nasty I called her for phone sex and she 
gave me an ear infection.

Yo Momma's so nasty that she pours salt water down her
  pants to keep her crabs fresh.

Yo Momma's so nasty She gotta put ice down her drawers to 
 keep the crabs fresh!

Yo Momma's so nasty she brings crabs to the beach.

Yo Momma's so nasty the fishery be paying her to leave.

Yo Momma's so nasty that her shit is glad to escape.

Yo Momma's so nasty Ozzie Ozbourne refused to bite her 
head off

Yo Momma's nasty, the McDonalds she works in doesn't 
even serve Happy Meals.

© Yuks'R'Us! 2000 — 2023